martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

New campaign Direct Insurance

Direct Insurance launches new advertising creativity framed within the campaign "I wish it were that easy," whose purpose is to position the company as "facilitator of life of people" usingeveryday similes related automóvil.Además world, this new creativity is accompanied by a great commercial that the company offers its new policyholders, which is that Directinsurance agrees to return double the difference if you find a lower price for comparable insurance.

Making life easier customer

"Wireless internet" is the name given to this new creativity. In this case, the man with the arrow again to try to make life easier forcustomers to help find your vehicle in a parking lot with more than 3,500 seats in just 10 minutes.

3D Post

Made by Iñaki Gil, "9 to 5", and 3D post production carried out by "El Ranchito", the piece, which began airing on Sunday on TVMay 8, combined versions 20 and 10 seconds be supplementedwith radio spots and web actions in social media.

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