martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Genesis offers assistance on Twitter

The recent bid by Genesis Internet and new technologies, takes a step forward and offers its customers a new communicationsservice 2.0. So you created the figure of the Twitter client advisor, to guide its members in all matters relating to assistance withasegurado.Un team of experts

The insurance company will have a team of technicians withexperience in customer service in digital environments. This team will respond quickly and immediately, through the Genesis profileon Twitter (@ genesis_seguros) to all those questions they receive from customers and users on-line in general.

The aim of this new service, a pioneer in the insurance industry is to offer personalized attention, allowing answer questions, clarify doubts, manage a casualty or purchase a policy among manyother functions.

About the company

Genesis is a company that markets its insurance products through telephone and internet. It specializes in insurance for the car and home. Liberty Seguros belongs to the Group, with abouta million and half customers in Spain. By car has over 600,000 customers who value their high quality policies at competitive prices.

The insurance premium bonus (up to 65% in all-risk proceduresand up to 60% in terms to third parties) based on the recognition of good driving. His speed in the processing of claims that Genesis does having one of the highest levels of loyalty amongits customers around the market.

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