martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Mapfre insurance improves their pay per use for young

The insurer has renewed its policy for young drivers YCAR, the first insurance payment for use in Spain. YCAR includes the installation of a GPRS device, black box, at no cost to the insured, which provides data on the behavior of youth at the wheel and offer discounts based on their risk profile. In order to benefit a greater number of customers, Mapfre has improved the criteria for obtaining these discounts and has cut the price of insurance at the time of renewal. For the introduction of these improvements, Mapfre is based on the experience we have transmitted their insured and in a report commissioned from the Institute of Road Safety Foundation Mapfre on the driving behavior of 60,000 young drivers between 18 and 30, who YCAR were hired.
Discounts on the price of the policy
The main novelty is the replacement YCAR the old "fuel cards" for direct discounts of up to 40 percent in the price of insurance. With this new formula, will benefit up to 50 percent of the clients of this insurance, twice as far, and will be they who decide how to spend the money they save, not just the fuel.
Although claims have
Furthermore, it can get discounts if you have claims, as this does not mean being a bad driver. These discounts are attached to the normal bonus that the client receives no claims at the time to renew your insurance. Also, it is not necessary to satisfy all requirements to earn profit, as in the old model, because each of the criteria is assessed individually to establish the discount at renewal.
Mileage is extended night
On the other hand, has been expanded from 10,000 to 17,000 miles can be traveled year to qualify for the discount, and increased the miles that can be done at night. It has also added a new factor in the calculation of discounts: kilometers traveled urban highways are the most accidents occur.
Stolen Vehicle Location
YCAR continues to offer additional free services such as location and recovery for theft and immediate assistance in case of accident. In the event of an impact, Mapfre receives an alarm signal which automatically activates the necessary emergency service, coordinated through 112 centers in Spain, and locate the exact location of the accident. This service for immediate assistance (e-call) is unique in Spain. Moreover, in case of theft of the vehicle can turn on tracing and recovery service, at the request of the insured.
Privacy Policy
The data privacy is guaranteed driver by the Spanish Agency for Standardization (AENOR). Mapfre has only global data-mileage driver, track types, strips of driving hours, average speed, but in no case shall access specific information, such as specific location where the driver has been at a particular time -.
Users can check their driving record
YCAR Young drivers can be found through Internet Mapfre office and soon, from your mobile, all your driving and make a projection on the price of your insurance when you renew, and manage and to obtain greater discounts.
Not all young people lead the same
The study by the Institute of Road Safety Mapfre Foundation shows that not all young people are equal at the wheel, that age influences the accident but not a determining factor, and that the majority (90 percent) of drivers between 18 and 30 have a low risk profile. The report also reveals that the driving experience and the number of times the vehicle is used daily are the main factors that influence claims and that they are produced, especially in urban roads.
Boys prefer more powerful cars than girls
Regarding gender differences, the study shows that men drive more powerful cars, carry longer distances and sometimes daily vehicle use more than women. Therefore also the number of claims that have males is higher by 11.9 percent to the suffering women.
On weekends, the risk is multiplied
The report reveals that younger drivers and those with less seniority driver's license using the car mostly on weekends. In addition, on Friday and early Saturday are the days of the week made more trips drivers aged 18 to 30 years. Sunday is the day with the fewest number of claims, while Monday is where most accidents occur, although they are milder than those occurring during the weekend.
Fewer accidents with six years experience
The profile of the drivers with less risk of loss is a young man of 26 years, with nearly 6 years of driving experience and performs 2.2 daily trips by car, in which it invests 55 minutes. Also distributes its miles almost 50 percent from the roads safer (with a speed limit of 100 or 120 km / h) and the other roads. In this group, there is almost the same number of men (49 percent) than women and the likelihood of an accident is between 26 and 55 percent below average.
Those of 22 are more likely to crash
At the opposite extreme, ie those more likely to suffer an accident are the youngest (22 years 4 months), with little experience since obtained a driving license (8 months) and performed daily oversix trips, a journey through almost 11 miles. These young people spend driving almost 2 hours a day and only one in three movements make roads "safe." Seven out of 10 are men. The drivers in this group also used the vehicle on the weekends more often than the lowest risk. In this group, the probability of an accident increases by 48 percent, a percentage that in some cases up to 70 percent.
More is known about the habits of young
The experience and the amount of travel that takes place every day are risk factors that influence very significantly in traffic accidents and so far not been studied, so this report represents an important advance in understanding the habits of young drivers. For example, all drivers most at risk are less than two years of driving license. Although age is not a factor in the accidents, the report reveals that drivers most at risk are younger than the lowest risk. Furthermore, the study also shows that the highest risk drivers use the vehicle primarily on urban roads and limit of 90 km / h and very little in the process secure.
Young people have less experience in Madrid
Young locals are less experienced than the national average and fewer trips made daily, even at maximum speed by 4 percent higher than the rest of Spain. In addition, the time spent on the move is almost 10 percent higher than the national average and most frequently used motorways and other roads less. Data obtained from the report of Mapfre Foundation who has studied driving behavior of almost 3,000 young people from Madrid.

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